Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics describes ethical standards for our company and employees. This code reflects our core values and also sets expectations for conduct with everyone related to the company like customers, investors, public officials, business partners and employees alike.


  • With complete customer satisfaction being our prime motive, we will do everything at our perusal to achieve it with the highest standards of professionalism.
  • Mahan is committed to being open, transparent and to having high standards of integrity, behavior, business practice.
  • All employees at all times are required to act with honesty and integrity and also safeguard the assets and reputation of the Company.
  • We operate on a policy of zero tolerance to fraud of all kinds, and the same work culture is expected to be promoted and adopted across all organizational divisions.
  • Divisional heads will communicate appropriately with employees as to their responsibilities in complying with policies, practices and procedures.
  • In all respects, Mahan puts the health and safety of people first and foremost of all other aspects.
  • We have prescribed norms, terms and conditions regarding Workplace Violence, public safety and Fitness of duty of employees.
  • When government relations and environmental responsibility are taken into consideration, we take utmost care not to disrupt their harmony.
  • Employees are expected to not accept or solicit gifts and entertainment of any form through contacts secured through their work.
  • Our competition with our competitors will always be on a healthier note without any kind of non-professional tactics and methods.

If any cases of ethical issues need to be informed, let us know and we promise to act on it with forthrightness.